TM 5-6350-264-14&P-10
NAVELEX EE 181-AA-OMI-110/E121 C-9412
T.O. 31S9-2FSS9-1-10
Table 5-2. Troubleshooting Procedures - Continued
Probable cause
Corrective action
Bad PC board A8,
Turn mode switch to ACCESS. Set mul-
operation of
or mode switch
timeter to dc volts and connect
positive lead to terminals 7 and
negative lead to terminal 6 on
TB9-A, and TB10-B, and TB11-C,
and TB12-D, and TB13-E in turn.
Meter should indicate 28 ±2 vdc
on each terminal board.
If meter indications are not correct on
some terminal boards, turn off
switch S1 on power supply. Re-
move PC board A8. Lift board
ejector until board pops out of
receptacle and then pull board
straight out. Set multimeter to
ohms and connect leads to
chassis and terminal 6 on terminal
boards where voltage was incorrect.
Meter should indicate 0 ohms. Con-
nect meter leads to J8-17 and term-
inal 7 of terminal board where vol-
tage was incorrect. Meter should
indicate 0 ohms.
(1) If meter does not indicate 0 ohms
when connected to terminal 6,
inspect jumper wires from ter-
minal 6 to 5 to 2 and wires to
ground for broken or loose con-
(2) If meter does not indicate 0 ohms
when connected to terminal 7,
inspect wires from terminal 7
to J12/P1 pin 24 to J8-17 for
broken or loose connections.
Resolder any bad connections
on P1.
If meter indications are correct on all
terminal boards, turn off switch S1
on power supply. Remove PC
board A8. Lift board ejector un-
til board pops out of receptacle
and then pull board straight out.