Table G-2. Detailed Description of HAZMAT Training Courses-Continued
Who Needs Training
Skill Code
Quality Assurance
R501 - Hazard Communication
R502 - First Responder: Awareness Level
R511 - Storage and Handling of Hazardous
R530 - Performance Oriented Packaging (POP)
R602 - Annual First Responder: Awareness
Level Refresher
R611 - Triennial Storage and Handling of
Hazardous Material Recurrent)
R630 - Triennial POP Recurrent
Cylinder Employees (Employees,
R501 - Hazard Communication
including supervisors, who handle,
R502 - First Responder: Awareness Level
refurbish, and store compressed gas
R511 - Storage and Handling of Hazardous
R520 - Compresses Gas Cylinders
R602 - Annual First Responder: Awareness
Level Refresher
R611 - Triennial Storage and Handling of
Hazardous Material Recurrent
R620 - Annual Compressed Gas Cylinders
Employees exposed to airborne
R501 - Hazard Communication
concentrations of asbestos at or
R502 - First Responder: Awareness Level
above the action level and/or
R507 - Safety and health for Handlers of HM
excursion limit as defined in
(Includes R501 and R502)
29 CFR 1910.1001 at the workplace
R518 - Asbestos Training
R602 - Annual First Responder: Awareness
Level Refresher
R618 - Annual Asbestos Training Refresher
Depending upon assigned duties, may also
require skill area code E25.
R501 - Hazard Communication
Asbestos abatement inspector
(Note: Does not include activities
R502 - First Responder: Awareness Level
that involve non-building materials,
R517 - EPA Asbestos Certification
such as asbestos brake linings, that
R602 - Annual First Responder: Awareness
may be either stored or used inside a
Level Refresher
R617 - Annual EPA Asbestos Certification
to Subpart E)
Depending upon assigned duties, may also
require skill area code E25.