Table G-2. Detailed Description of HAZMAT Training Courses-Continued
Who Needs Training
Skill Code
R501 - Hazard Communication
Environmental officers/
R503 - First Responder: Operation Level
specialists/engineers and those who
R507 - Safety and Health for Handlers of
perform environmentalist duties who
are physically involved with
HM/HW (Includes R501 and R503)
hazardous material/hazardous waste
and do not affect transportation
R603 - Annual First Responder: Operation
Level Refresher
Depending upon assigned duties, additional
training will be customized to ensure training
compliance. Courses may be selected from
those listed at the end of this table. If needed,
additional codes can be assigned
R501 - Hazard Communication
(Employees, including supervisors,
R502 - First Responder: Awareness Level
involved in the handling and/or
R511 - Storage and Handling of Hazardous
management of hazardous materials
receiving operations. This includes,
R530 - Performance Oriented Packaging
but is not limited to: Planners,
R602 - Annual First Responder: Awareness
Materials Handlers, and inspectors)
Level Refresher
R611 - Triennial Storage and Handling of
Hazardous Material Refresher
R630 - Triennial Performance Oriented
Packaging (POP) Recurrent
R501 - Hazard Communication
(Employees, including supervisors,
R502 - First Responder: Awareness Level
involved in handling and/or
R511 - Storage and Handling of Hazardous
management of warehousing
hazardous materials)
R602 - Annual First Responder: Awareness
Level Refresher
R611 - Triennial Storage and Handling of
Hazardous Material Recurrent