AFMAN 24-204(I)/TM 38-250/NAVSUP PUB 505/MCO P4030.19H/ DLAI 4145.3
11 DECEMBER 2001
A9.5. Packaging Requirements for Class 5.2 Organic Peroxides. With the exception of organic peroxide
samples, packaging requirements for packaging paragraphs does not specify Class 5.2 organic peroxides. Determine
appropriate containers by using table A4.1 generic proper shipping names in conjunction with table A9.2 or table
A9.3. Containers selected from tables A9.2 or A9.3 must pass PG II performance tests and must be UN marked.
Table A9.2 applies to liquid organic peroxides. Table A9.3 applies to solid organic peroxides. To determine the
packaging requirements for organic peroxides:
Determine the applicable generic PSN.
Locate the packaging reference (table and item number) for the generic PSN in column 8 of table A4.1.
The technical name and associated table or item reference will be listed in lower case letters beneath the
generic PSN entry. Select the table or item reference pertaining to the technical name, but use the generic
PSN (with technical name in parenthesis) to certify the shipment. The item number is the last number in
the packaging reference (i.e., table A9.2.1 is table A9.2, Item 1). Labels, special provisions, etc., specified
for the generic PSN also apply to the technical names listed beneath it.
Turn to table A9.2 or table A9.3 as specified by column 8 of table A4.1.
Locate the quantity nearest to the quantity to be shipped. This number represents the maximum net
quantity per package authorized. Lesser item numbers (quantities) may be used instead of the item number
specified for the material. Quantities specified for greater item numbers will not be used. For example, if
the packaging reference is table A9.3.4, item number 4 of table A9.3 represents the maximum net quantity
of the material that can be shipped in one package. However, the lesser quantities listed for item numbers
1-3 could also be used; quantities listed for item numbers 5-8 could not be used for the material because the
quantities exceed the maximum net quantity per package permitted for the material.
Go across the row that contains the quantity to be shipped to identify the appropriate container (including
applicable notes). Any container fitting the general container description in the table may be used if it has
been tested to a PG II (or PG I) performance level.
Column 8 of table A4.1 specifies the packaging requirements (table and item number) for organic
peroxides. Table A9.2 specifies the type of packagings and the maximum net quantity per package
authorized for liquid organic peroxides. Table A9.3 specifies the type of packaging and the maximum net
quantity per package authorized for solid organic peroxides.