AFMAN 24-204(I)/TM 38-250/NAVSUP PUB 505/MCO P4030.19H/ DLAI 4145.3
11 DECEMBER 2001
A5.5. Captured Ammunition and Ammunition With Unknown Characteristics. Transport this
ammunition on military aircraft only under the following provisions:
Explosive ordinance disposal (EOD) personnel must inspect the items and complete necessary
action to make them safe for air shipment, and sign a certificate to this effect.
Qualified personnel assign a hazard classification. Pack and mark according to the prescribed
packaging in table A4.1, including UN performance specification packaging requirements.
A5.6. Items requiring Special Approval. Ship according to a Special Approval (includes CAA or COE)
issued for the particular item. See paragraphs 2.5 and 2.6 for more information on CAAs and COEs.
Comply with the following handling instructions only when shipping items containing a fuel that is
corrosive or toxic.
A5.6.1. Handling Instructions. Exercise extreme caution in handling this item. Keep well ventilated,
away from sparks, fire hazards, and oxidizing materials. Vapors are toxic when inhaled. Liquid is
corrosive. Fuel in presence of an oxidizer is self-igniting and highly reactive. Personnel exposed to this
material must wear protective clothing, gloves, safety goggles, and must use a positive pressure breathing
A5.6.2. Shipping Requirements. The following requirements apply:
Load containers having an installed indicator in such a manner as to provide access to the indicator
during flight. Inspect the indicator before aircraft loading, after aircraft loading, at cruise altitude,
periodically during flight as cargo tiedown is inspected, and after landing. The normal color of the
indicator is white or off-white. The color will change to yellow if inhibited red fuming nitric acid
(IRFNA) leak occurs. The color will change to black if an amine fuel mixture (AFM) leak occurs.
Changes will be obvious and will not require technical escort personnel to monitor.
Containers that do not have an indicator installed must be preplanned under the same conditions as
described in 2.9. The shipper must contact the carrier no less than 72 hours before movement.
The shipper must also furnish the following:
Protective clothing, gloves, and a positive pressure breathing apparatus for all personnel aboard the
aircraft (see also paragraph 1.12).
Fume-detecting equipment.
A qualified technical escort or courier with equipment to monitor the item for leaks and is
prepared to take emergency in-flight action.
A5.6.3. When a leak is detected, either by observation of the indicator or by monitoring equipment:
Get personnel out of the cargo compartment.
Alert pilot and crew.
Depressurize cargo compartment and ventilate as soon as possible.
All personnel should go on 100 percent oxygen.
Declare an in-flight emergency.
Be prepared to jettison cargo if possible.
Descend and land as soon as possible.
Aircraft must be parked in an isolated area.
Aircraft must be unloaded by EOD personnel as soon as possible.
Nitrosaminoguanylidene Hydrazine, Wetted; Guanyl Nitrosaminoguanyltetrazene, Wetted;
Tetrazene, Wetted; Lead Azide, Wetted; Lead Mononitroresorcinate; Lead Styphnate, Wetted; Lead
Trinitroresorcinate, Wetted; and Mercury Fulminate, Wetted.
A5.7.1. Fill the intermediate and outer packagings with an appropriate water-saturated material. The outer
drum must have a watertight seal (except UN0224 when shipped dry). Package as follows: