AFMAN 24-204(I)/TM 38-250/NAVSUP PUB 505/MCO P4030.19H/ DLAI 4145.3
11 DECEMBER 2001
Attachment 5
A5.1. General Requirements. This attachment contains information concerning packaging and general
handling instructions for Class 1 material.
A5.2. General Handling Instructions. Class 1 materials can function by detonation or combustion. Store
away from fire hazards and handle carefully. Do not drop. Handle dropped Class 1 material according to
A5.2.1. Instructions applicable to all DoD explosives.
Comply with the requirements in A3.3.1 for forbidden material, DoD explosive classification and
safety requirements.
Package explosives according to applicable Special Packaging Instruction (SPI), technical manual,
drawings, or other Service approved directives.
A5.2.2. Chemical Munitions. Chemical munitions are dangerous materials that are found in a variety of
forms such as artillery shells, mortar shells, spray tanks, aircraft bombs, grenades, candles, rockets, and
containers of chemical agents that are not high explosives or shrapnel. Chemical munitions are filled with
war gases, smoke, or incendiaries. They are divided into four groups, according to the nature of fillings.
These groupings are described in the service regulations referenced in A3.3.1.3.
A5.2.2.1. Handling Chemical Ammunitions. Use maximum preferential handling. Use the same materials
handling equipment for high explosive munitions that is used for chemical munitions.
A5.2.2.2. Reporting and Disposing of Chemical Ammunitions. Immediately report any leaking chemical
munitions to the agency initiating the shipment. If the leak is due to causes other than faulty munitions
construction, report according to 1.9. Dispose of leaking or damaged chemical munitions according to
applicable service directives. The report should include the following:
Type and amount of chemical munitions.
Lot number.
Date discovered.
Detailed information concerning the nature and possible cause of leak.
Disposition or recommendation for disposition.
A5.3. Installed Explosive Devices. Remove installed explosive devices from aircraft systems before
shipment by military cargo aircraft unless a technical directive authorizes installation for military air
shipment or the directive identifies the explosives are permanently imbedded in the system. When
installation is authorized, ensure compliance with the following requirements:
The safety devices are in place and secured to the maximum extent possible (including blocking or
banding when advantageous) to prevent arming.
The aircraft systems packaging provides reasonable security against tampering with the installed
explosive items or the arming systems.
Mark items according to Attachment 14, paragraph A14.4.1.
The shipping documentation properly identifies the explosive nature of the shipment to include the
proper hazard classification for each configured item. The Shippers Declaration will identify the
articles overall description as the proper shipping name (i.e., Engine, Internal Combustion for an
aircraft containing the engine). Identify all installed explosive components as secondary hazards
in Key 19. Reference this paragraph on the Shippers Declaration rather than the specific
paragraphs for the individual installed devices.
A5.4. Unpackaged Explosives. Unless otherwise authorized in this manual, package all explosives
according to Attachment 5. Explosive may be removed from their required packaging to meet operational
requirements of Chapter 3 under the following:
A5.4.1. Airdrop parachute platforms configured according to TO 13C7/FM 10-500 series publications.
A5.4.2. Stored in approved racks or containers, or secured in tactical equipment or vehicles as operational
components according to technical orders or publications.