AFMAN 24-204(I)/TM 38-250/NAVSUP PUB 505/MCO P4030.19H/ DLAI 4145.3
11 DECEMBER 2001
31 Materials that have undergone sufficient heat treatment to render them nonhazardous are not subject to the
requirements of this manual.
33 Ammonium nitrites and mixtures of an inorganic nitrite with an ammonium salt are prohibited.
36 The maximum net quantity per package is 5 L (1 gallon) or 5 kg (11 lbs.).
43 The nitrogen content of the nitrocellulose must not exceed 11.5 percent. Pack each single filter sheet
between sheets of glazed paper. Ensure the portion of glazed paper between the filter sheets is not less than 65
percent, by mass. The membrane filters/paper arrangement must not be liable to propagate a detonation.
46 During transport, it must be protected from direct sunshine and stored (or kept) in a cool and well-
ventilated place, away from all sources of heat.
53 Packages of these materials must bear a subsidiary risk label, "EXPLOSIVE", unless exempted by the
DOT. A copy of the exemption must accompany the shipment.
56 Ensure a means to interrupt and prevent detonation of the detonator from initiating the detonating cord is
installed between each electric detonator and the detonating cord ends of the jet perforating guns.
60 An oxygen generator, chemical, that is shipped with its means of initiation attached must incorporate at
least two positive means of preventing unintentional actuation of the generator, and be classed and approved by the
Associate Administrator for Hazardous Materials Safety.
101 Specify the name of the particular substance or article.
102 This article may be transported as Class 1.4D if all of the conditions specified in 49 CFR 173.63(a) are
met. Reclassification requires approval by a DoD Explosive Hazard Classification Authority according to A3.3.1.2.
103 Detonators that will not mass detonate and undergo only limited propagation in the shipping package may
be assigned to Class 1.4B. Mass detonate means that more than 90 percent of the devices tested in a package
explode practically simultaneously. Limited propagation means that if one detonator near the center of a shipping
package is exploded, the aggregate weight of explosives, excluding ignition and delay charges, in this and all
additional detonators in the outside packaging that explode, may not exceed 25 g. Reclassification requires approval
by a DoD Explosive Hazard Classification Authority according to A3.3.1.2.
104 Detonators which meet the following conditions may be assigned to Class 1.4S: Each detonator may
contain no more than 1 g of explosive, excluding ignition and delay charges, and if one detonator near the center of
the package detonates it will not cause functioning of any other device in the same or adjacent packages.
Reclassification requires approval by a DoD Explosive Hazard Classification Authority according to A3.3.1.2.
105 The word "Agents" may be used instead of "Explosives" when approved by the DOT.
106 The recognized name of the particular explosive may be specified in addition to the type.
107 The classification of the substance is expected to vary especially with the particle size and packaging, but
the border lines have not been experimentally determined; appropriate classifications should be verified following
the test procedures in 49 CFR 173.57 and 173.58. Reclassification requires approval by a DoD Explosive Hazard
Classification Authority according to A3.3.1.2.
108 Fireworks must be constructed and packaged so that loose pyrotechnic composition is not present in
packages during transportation.
109 Rocket motors must be nonpropulsive in transportation unless approved according to A3.3.1.2. To be
considered "nonpropulsive", a rocket motor must be capable of unrestrained burning and must not appreciably move
in any direction when ignited by any means.
110 Fire extinguisher charges containing 3.2 g or less of propellant explosives per unit are not subject to the
requirements of this manual.
111 Explosive substances of Class 1.1A are forbidden for transportation if dry or not desensitized, unless
incorporated in a device.
112 Cartridges, small arms, Class 1.4S, may be reclassed and offered for domestic transportation as ORM-D
material if they are offered for transportation and transported according to the limitations and packaging
requirements of 49 CFR 173.230. Reclassification requires approval by a DoD Explosive Hazard Classification
Authority according to A3.3.1.2.
113 The sample must be given a tentative approval by an agency or laboratory according to the provisions of
49 CFR 173.56.