AFMAN 24-204(I)/TM 38-250/NAVSUP PUB 505/MCO P4030.19H/ DLAI 4145.3
11 DECEMBER 2001
Table A4.2. Special Provisions
When column 7 of table A4.1 refers to a special provision for a hazardous material, the meaning and requirements of
that provision are defined in this table. The following list identifies the requirements of the special provisions
referred to in column 7 of table A4.1:
1. Passenger Eligibility P Codes. These provisions apply to passenger movement with hazardous materials (see
also attachment 22).
P1 Transport this material on Special Assignment Airlift Mission aircraft as identified in attachment 24.
Material authorized on cargo aircraft only. Passenger deviations are not authorized.
P2 Transport this material on cargo aircraft only. Passenger deviations are not authorized.
P3 Transport this material on cargo aircraft only. Deviations are authorized according to paragraph 2.2 and
attachment 22. Apply to radioactive material requiring a Yellow III label.
P4 Transport this material on cargo aircraft only. Deviations are authorized according to paragraph 2.2 and
attachment 22. DoD duty passengers do not require a deviation. Apply to radioactive material requiring a Yellow II
P5 Transport this material on passenger or cargo aircraft without passenger restriction. Apply to radioactive
material requiring a White I or no label.
2. Additional Codes. The Special Provision column may provide material and/or packaging requirements. This
information is in addition to the standard requirements already prescribed in this manual. The following numeric (1-
117), airlift (A codes), and nonbulk packaging (N Codes) special provisions apply (some numbers are intentionally
not included):
Numeric Provisions.
This material is poisonous by inhalation in Hazard Zone A, describe as an inhalation hazard.
This material is poisonous by inhalation in Hazard Zone B, describe as an inhalation hazard.
This material is poisonous by inhalation in Hazard Zone C, describe as an inhalation hazard.
This material is poisonous by inhalation in Hazard Zone D, describe as an inhalation hazard.
If this material meets the defining criteria for a material poisonous by inhalation (49 CFR 173.116(a) or
173.133(a)) use an appropriate Class 2.3 or Class 6.1 generic PSN that identifies the inhalation hazard.
This material is poisonous by inhalation and must be described as an inhalation hazard.
A hazardous substance that is not a hazardous waste may be shipped under the shipping description "Other
regulated substance, liquid or solid", as appropriate.
An ammonia nitrate fertilizer is a fertilizer formulation, containing 90 percent or more ammonium nitrate
and no more than 0.2 percent organic combustible material which does not meet the definition and criteria of a Class
1 material.
EPA in 40 CFR 761.60 and 761.65 prescribes packaging for certain PCBs for disposal and storage.
11 Package material either as a liquid or solid, as appropriate, depending on its physical form at 55 degrees C
(131 degrees F) at atmospheric pressure.
12 In concentrations greater than 40 percent, this material has strong oxidizing properties and is capable of
starting fires in contact with combustible materials. If applicable, a package containing this material must comply
with the subsidiary risk labeling requirements of attachment 15.
13 The words Inhalation Hazard shall be entered on each shipping paper in association with the shipping
17 Aqueous solutions of hydrogen peroxide containing less than 8 percent hydrogen peroxide are not subject
to the requirements of this manual.
21 This material must be stabilized by appropriate means to prevent dangerous polymerization.
22 If the hazardous material is in dispersion in organic liquid, the organic liquid must have a flash point above
50 degrees C (122 degrees F).
23 Classify this material as Class 4.1 only if it is packed so that the percentage of diluent will not fall below
that stated in the shipping description at any time during transport.
27 Sodium carbonate peroxyhydrate is considered nonhazardous.