TM 3-6665-254-12
1. Scope
This manual describes the ABC-M18A2 chemical agent detector kit and provides instructions for its use and
maintenance. These instructions are for operator and organizational maintenance use.
2. Report Forms
Equipment maintenance forms and procedures for their use are prescribed in TM 38-750.
3. Purpose of Kit
The ABC-M18A2 chemical agent detector kit is designed primarily for detecting dangerous concentrations of vapors,
aerosols, and liquid droplets of chemical agents which are listed in paragraph 4. This kit will be used primarily by
chemical specialty personnel (MOS trained) assigned at organizational level. The kit's capability provides for the
sampling of unknown NBC agents. If a chemical agent is suspected but cannot be detected with the kit, vapor samples
can be collected in sampling tubes (para 10) for forwarding to a laboratory for identification. The principal uses of the kit
b. For finding the boundaries of
contaminated areas.
c. For determining the absence of a chemical agent so that unmasking following a chemical agent attack can be
initiated under the conditions set forth in FM 21-40.
d. For testing for the presence of a chemical agent after decontamination.
e. For collecting samples of suspected but unidentified chemical agents.
Remain masked until ordered to unmask.
4. Agents Detected
Agents listed below are detected by the ABC-M18A2 chemical agent detector kit:
Cyanogen Chloride (CK)
Mustards [ (H), (HD), (HN), and (HT)]
Phosgene oxime (CX)
Hydrocyanic acid (AC)
Phosgene (CG)
Lewisite (L)
Ethyl dichloroarsine (ED)
Methyl dichloroarsine (MD)
Nerve agents (V- and G-agents)