TM 10-8415-210-13&P
Toxicological Agents Protective Apron, M2 (7). The M2 TAP Apron (7) is designed as a frock coat and is made
of butyl coated cloth. The length of the coat, when worn, should extend below the top of the M2A1 TAP Boots. Webbing
with buckles is used to close the back of the apron and the sleeve cuffs. TAP Apron is available in five sizes (extra-small
through extra-large).
Chemical Protective Clothing Outfit (Impregnated Set) (8). The Chemical Protective Clothing Outfit (8) consists
of a shirt, a trouser liner, gloves, 3 pairs of socks, and a clothing bag. The basic material is a cotton sateen cloth with a
minimum absorption rate of 60 per cent. Both the shirt and trousers have cuff tubing made from seamless, 1 rib knit
cotton. The Clothing Outfit is designed to protect the wearer from small liquid droplets and vapors of blister agents when
worn underneath outerwear. Chemical Protective Clothing Outfit is available in five sizes (extra-small through extra-
1-12. DIFFERENCES BETWEEN MODELS. The M3 TAP and M40 TAP Special Purpose Gas Mask Hoods, worn with
the M9A1 Field Mask and M40 Special Purpose Mode Masks respectively are similar in construction, differing only in the
location and size of the filtration canister covers on each. The M3 TAP Gas Mask Hood has one large filtration canister
cover located near the center of the hood for use with the M9A1 Field Mask. The M40 TAP Special Purpose Gas Mask
Hood has one small canister cover for use with the M40 Special Purpose Mode Mask. Hoods are not interchangeable
with the two mask types.
1-13. EQUIPMENT CONFIGURATION. The TAP Ensemble components are worn in combinations appropriate to the
threat level. Refer to DA PAM 385-61 for the TAP ensemble components required for various threat levels.
1-14. CHEMICAL AND BIOLOGICAL PROTECTION. The TAP Ensemble is a multi-level impermeable outfit designed
to provide protection against airborne and liquid chemical agents. Impermeable clothing is designed to prevent the
passage of air and moisture through the fabric. Although resistant to liquid chemicals, penetration may occur after
prolonged exposure. Liquid chemicals should therefore be neutralized or removed as quickly as possible. The TAP
Ensemble is designed to be used primarily by Explosive Ordinance Disposal (EOD) and Depot level personnel engaged
in hazardous decontamination or other special operations where the splashing of liquid chemical agents may occur.
1-5/(1-6 blank)