TM 10-5410-228-24
The numbers are:
Toll Free..................................................... 1-800-831-4408
Commercial. .............................................. (309) 782-7349
FAX (DSN)............................................................793-1919
FAX (Commercial) ..................................... (309) 782-1919
Adhesives, cleaning solvents, bonding materials, lubricants, fuels, and other agents are used during
operation and maintenance of the CBPS. The prolonged use of these materials without proper protection can
cause skin irritation and the inhalation of the vapors may be toxic if inhaled in quantity. When operating or
working on the CBPS, be familiar with all warnings posted in the front of this manual and follow all
procedural warnings and cautions found in the maintenance sections. Refer to FM 4-25.11 for first aid
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