T.O. 33B-1-1
Glossary 79
SCATTERED ENERGY (UT): Energy that is reflected in a random fashion by small discontinuities in the path of a
sound beam.
SCATTERED RADIATION (RT): Radiation that, as the result of interaction with matter, has had its direction changed
and, for some interactions, its energy decreased.
SCATTERING (RT): A change of direction, and possibly reduction of energy, of an incident particle or photon as the
result of interaction with an atom, nucleus, or other particle.
SCATTERING ANGLE (RT): The angle between the directions of propagation of the incident and scattered radiation.
SCHLIEREN SYSTEM (UT): An optical system used to visually display an ultrasonic beam passing through a
transparent medium.
SCHWARZCHILD EXPONENT (RT): A mathematical index that may be applied to one of the variables in order to
correct for the failure of the reciprocity law over a limited range.
SCINTILLATION (RT): A localized flash of light caused by a particle or photon of ionizing radiation incident on a
fluorescent material.
SCINTILLATION COUNTER: A device for counting atomic particles by means of tiny flashes of light (scintillations)
which the particles produce when they strike certain crystals.
SCINTILLATOR (RT): A substance that emits a localized flash of light when excited by an incident particle or photon
of ionizing radiation.
SCLEROSCOPE TEST: A hardness test where the loss in kinetic energy of a falling metal tup, absorbed by
indentation upon impact of the tup on the metal being tested, is indicated by the height of rebound.
Marring or scratching of any formed part by metal pickup on the punch or die.
Reducing the thickness of a material along a line to weaken it purposely along that line.
SCOTCH TAPE TRANSFER (MT): The use of colorless tape to lift a magnetic particle indication from a part.
SCRATCH: A shallow mark or injury produced by abrasion.
SCRATCH HARDNESS: The hardness of a metal determined by the width of a scratch made by a cutting point drawn
across the surface under a given pressure.
SCREEN (RT): Alternative term for intensifying screen.
SCREENS, LEAD (RT): Layers of lead foil, used in intimate contact with the film during exposure. They act to
improve radiographic quality or to decrease exposure time, or both.
SCREEN MOTTLE (RT): (Fluorescent Screen Exposures) The visual impression of irregularity of density, in areas
where the exposure is macroscopically uniform, due to the random spatial distribution of X-ray quanta absorbed in the
screens. Screen mottle is much larger in scale and softer in outline than film graininess. See FILM GRAININESS.