T.O. 33B-1-1
Material tests apply to both newly received and in use materials. They are designed to assure that
unsatisfactory materials do not enter the magnetic particle inspection system and that in use materials
continue to perform satisfactorily.
Tests For New Materials.
New materials SHALL be subjected to the following tests, as appropriate, prior to being put into use:
Perform contamination/background f luorescence check on petroleum based bulk vehicle.
Check the concentration, background f luorescence and contamination of the bath using the settling
Perform system effectiveness test. This applies to magnetic rubber inspection materials as well as
conventional magnetic particle inspection materials.
Tests For In Use Materials.
In-use materials SHALL be checked. The frequency of checking SHALL be as established per Table 1-3.
Disposition for Nonconformance.
Knowledge of problems, even relatively minor ones, is essential for improve-
ment in the NDI program. Information copies of written correspondence
concerning unsatisfactory magnetic particle inspection materials SHALL be
furnished to Air Force NDI Program Office, AFRL/MLS-OL, 4750 Staff Dr.,
Tinker AFB, OK 73145-3317; DSN 339-4931 and AFRL/MLSA, 2179 Twelfth
Street, Ste. 1, Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, OH 45433-7718. (For Army:
Commander, AVSCOM, Attn.: AMSAV-MC, 4300 Goodfellow Blvd., St. Louis,
MO 63120-1798).
Reject all materials not meeting minimum requirements. Rejected materials SHALL be reported according to
T.O. 00-35D-54. (For Navy: Refer to OPNAV 4790.2 Quality Deficiency Reporting QDR requirements.)
Open tank baths SHALL be changed (replaced or replenished, as appropriate) when they do not meet
minimum inspection requirements.
Safety Requirements.
Safety requirements SHALL be reviewed by the laboratory supervisor on a continuing basis to insure
compliance with provisions contained in AFOSH Standard 91-110, section 3.2, as well as provisions of this
technical order and applicable weapons systems technical orders.
Magnetic Particle Equipment / System Requirements.
Magnetic particle equipment SHALL be maintained according to applicable technical orders, Navy Mainte-
nance Requirements Cards (MRCs) or commercial manuals.
Equipment / System Tests.
The following minimum equipment/system tests, as appropriate, SHALL be accomplished to insure magnetic
particle inspection equipment/systems meet acceptable operating standards.
System effectiveness check.
Amperage indicator check for stationary units. Perform when the system effectiveness check is failed
and as established per Table 1-3 on page 1-16.
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