T.O. 33B-1-1
Table 6-18.
Description of Film Artifacts - Continued
23. Puckered or net-like
Reticulation. Film
Maintain all processing solutions and
processed through extreme
wash water at approximately same tem-
temperature changes.
perature, 68oF.
24. Blisters
Reaction between alkaline
Maintain correct solutions by following
developed and acid-fixing
manufacturers directions.
25. Water on screens
White blotches on film.
Dry screens. Do not use for 24 hours.
26. Dark areas on film
Exposure to light.
Light leaks in corners of exposure holders.
Test film by developing without exposure
to X-rays.
27. Spots on radiograph
Moisture on screen.
Do not allow film to remain in lead screen
exposure holders overnight in humid at-
28. Either dark or light ar-
Films stuck together during
Agitate film during processing to assure
eas on film, depending
solution penetrates emulsion.
where in the process this
29. White dots on film
Unclean screens.
Clean lead screens with steel wool and
soap periodically.
30. Surface of film is dis-
Dichroic (chemical) fog.
Change developer and short-stop since
colored when viewed by re-
this condition is usually the result of ex-
f lected light
hausted solutions.
31. Unexplained shadowed
Non-uniform light pattern
Change lamps to correct filament pattern
area on film
from illuminator.
and select f luorescent lamps to match in
light response.
Table 6-19. Deleted
Care of Radiographs.
The final radiograph represents a considerable investment of time and money, and great care should be
taken to preserve the final image.
Handling of Radiographs.
The radiographs should not be handled with bare hands. Soft white cotton gloves should be used to handle
all radiographs between the time they are processed and the time they are disposed of. The film should not
be crimped or sharply bent. Foreign substances such as water, coffee, or other materials should not be
allowed to contact the emulsion surfaces. The films should always be picked up carefully, never sliding them
across surfaces that may be dirty or have
Change 3
6-88.1/(6-88.2 Blank)