T.O. 33B-1-1
accomplishment for each check, condition of element checked, corrective action taken (if
required), initials of person performing test, serial number or identification number of the
element tested, manufacturer, lot or number if applicable, and date put into service. Unless
otherwise directed, only the most recent required documentation concerning equipment/
materials needs to be maintained.
Each organization listed in paragraph 1.4.3a SHALL determine the method which their assigned NDI
laboratories will utilize to document process control verification. Army units will maintain records of process
control requirements at the unit level.
Suggested Documentation Method.
Figures 1-4 and 1-5 are examples of how process control may be documented utilizing an Air Force general-
purpose form. For this example AF Form 3130 was used. The use of a general-purpose form would be
relatively inexpensive and could be easily formatted to fit specific NDI method and equipment process control
requirements. An alternative to the general-purpose form would be to interface process control with a
computer, utilizing the PCAMS system. The Air Force NDI Program Office has authorized and highly
recommends the use of this program.
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