T.O. 33B-1-1
Only highly trained and experienced personnel can attain effective utilization of NDI. In order to qualify for
the table of allowances, TA 455; commanders will insure that properly trained and qualified personnel will be
available. Army commanders will insure that authorized positions are filled with qualified personnel in
accordance with AR 750-1. Navy personnel must be trained according to OPNAVINST 4790.2. The formal
training requirements are waived for the black lights, ultrasonic leak detector and optical equipment,
provided the personnel using the equipment are properly trained in its use and the equipment is not being
used to perform nondestructive inspections, such as f luorescent penetrant and magnetic particle inspections.
Formal training requirements may be met through the nondestructive inspection basic technician course
conducted by Air Education and Training Command (AETC) at NAS Pensacola or through equivalent
training obtained in courses conducted by industry or civilian service. For this training to be considered
equivalent to that provided by the AETC NDI course, approval is required by the Air Force NDI Office,
AFRL/MLS-OL, 4750 Staff Dr., Tinker AFB, OK 73145-3317; DSN 339-4931. Army personnel shall be
qualified in accordance with AR 611-201. Job qualification/proficiency shall be documented per Command
policy and filed in the individuals AF Form 623 On-The-Job Training folder. For all civilian Department-of-
Defense personnel and non-Department of Defense personnel performing inspections in accordance with the
Technical Order: they SHALL be qualified and certified to the current National Aerospace Standard (NAS)
410, NAS Certification and Qualification of Nondestructive Test Personnel. This Requirement has been
temporarily waived until 1 June 2000 for active duty, Air National Guard and AF Reserve Center civilian
personnel. This requirement is still mandatory for Air Logistics Center (ALC) (DEPOT) personnel perform-
ing NDI. At a minimum, the local organization shall document its procedure on training and certifying their
inspectors per MIL-STD-410. In lieu of each local unit developing a written procedure, where enough
similarity exist from unit to unit, a command may develop a written procedure to be used by all units within
the command.
Physical Requirements.
A physical examination shall assure that the applicants near vision and color perception meet the following
requirements. Near vision test and color perception tests shall be administered annually.
NEAR VISION - Jaeger #1 test chart at not less than 12 inches, or equivalent as determined by medical
personnel, with one eye, either natural or corrected.
COLOR PERCEPTION - Distinguish and differentiate between the colors used in the method for which
certification is sought.
Special Task Certification and Recurring Training.
Lab supervisors SHALL identify and document critical nondestructive inspections on an AF Form 1098 (see
Figure 1-2). This form should be completed to track critical inspection certification and recurring training.
Identifying a critical task, which requires certification, should be done with direction from the appropriate
ALC NDI Manager. Most boxes on the form are self-explanatory. The lab supervisor is the certifying official.
In the columns for evaluation of training you may or may not have a score. You should have at least Pass (P)
or Fail (F). Any failure of the inspector to accomplish the inspection SHALL require training before the
inspector is allowed to accomplish this tasking. Block f. should be filled in by inspection method, for example
ET, UT, RT. The timeline for re-occurring certification of these critical inspections SHALL be determined by
the lab supervisor, inspection procedure or engineering authority. Any critical inspection task should be
evaluated at least annually (A).
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