T.O. 33B-1-1
Notes For Floor Plan
a. A ceiling height of 10 feet is required throughout the facility with the exception of rooms 1, 7, 8 and 12.
b. Clear ceiling height in the X-ray exposure room (1) should be 12 feet where practical, to avoid
difference in roof level. The height may be 14 feet where the using command can justify it on the basis
of sizes of components to be inspected in the foreseeable future. Door and monorail between rooms 1
and 8 are optional. Where a monorail is provided, adjust the ceiling heights in both rooms to suit the
monorail operation.
c. Sizes of lead-faced doors into the exposure room depend on the size of items to be inspected. They
should be as small as practical for efficient operation. The door between rooms 1 and 8 can be above
the floor, at any height to suit operations.
d. Materials, construction, etc. are to be in accordance with AFM 88-15.
e. Building is to be Type N unprotected noncombustible construction.
X-Ray and Environmental Protection.
NAVY REQUIREMENT: Navy and Marine Corps radiographic facilities SHALL
comply with NAVSEA S0420-AA-RAD-010
a. Radiation shielding, barricades and warning devices are dependent on each specific siting and
b. X-ray exposure room 1 will conform to the requirements specified in the National Institute of Standards
Technology (formerly National Bureau of Standards) Handbook 93, Safety Standards for Non-Medical
X-ray and Sealed Gamma-ray Sources. (Bioenvironmental Engineers or health physicists should be
consulted for help in interpreting Handbook 93 and performing shielding calculations.)
Shielding will be used on the ceiling only when required by shielding calculations. When ceiling
shielding is not provided, a barrier limiting access to the roof of the NDI facility will be used,
with a warning light at each point of access.
The design and specifications for the NDI facility will be reviewed by a Bioenvironmental
Engineer or health physicist and approved by the Director of Base Medical Service prior to
contract solicitation.
Before a new installation is placed in routine operation, the medical service will be notified and a
request submitted for a radiation protection survey by a qualified Bioenvironmental Engineer or
health physicist.
If use of radio-isotopes is anticipated, this should receive consideration when calculating
shielding requirements.
c. Design shall show the cable passage between the exposure room and the controls outside this room.
Cable passage should be S-shaped and provide the same level of shielding as the X-ray barrier.
d. In room 8 provide appropriate ventilation for penetrant and magnetic particle inspection processes.