TB 43-0244
Your Name and Title
Duplex: Full
Parity: None
Commercial Telephone Number
Stopbit: 1
Commercial FAX Number
Data: 8
Use these phone numbers to access the database:
Mail this information to:
DSN 327-2710
COMMERCIAL (703) 305-6360
TOLL FREE 1-800-795-7925
General Services Administration
Federal Supply Service (4FQ)
After you dial the telephone number, the system will
401 W. Peachtree St, NW,
ask for your login. At this time, type bbs in lower case
Suite 3021
letters. After the login prompt, the system is menu
Atlanta, GA 30365-2550
driven. However, if you need additional help, call
commercial (404) 331-5855.
Or fax it to:
If you get garbage when you first connect with the
Commercial (404) 331-2066
FAST database, you need to tell the FAST modem to
BREAK command.
b. If the item is managed by some other agency
besides GSA, check with your local environmental
The system will let you transfer a copy of a
control or safety people for a copy of the MSDS.
file/MSDS to the user's hard disk by downloading or
directly from the FAST computer to the user's FAX
6-1. Practice Good Housekeeping. You have to be
To get an MSDS for a GSA item that's not on the
more careful how you handle motorpool service
database, send the following information to GSA and
supplies, too. The smart way is to practice good
they'll provide you a copy.
6-2. Housekeeping Tips.
Here are a few good
housekeeping tips:
Manufacturer Name
Batch or Product Number
Mil-Spec Number