TB 43-0244
Make sure your face mask or goggles are free of
4-4. Clean equipment. Always clean your equipment
scratches before you use them. Scratched lenses block
before putting it away. Keep the inside of gloves, boots
your vision.
and goggles clean. If the inside becomes contaminated,
clean it immediately.
Use a respirator designed to keep out paint fumes if
you're working with paint or paint thinners. These
respirators should be fitted by your medical folks. Use
the respirator only in well-ventilated areas.
5-1. Know Which Items are Hazardous. To know
which materials you need to worry about before you use
them, you need the latest information on which ones are
considered hazardous to the environment.
Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDSs) must be
available for each item, list any special precautions or
procedures needed, as well as first-aid measures.
5-2. Where To Find MSDS Information.
a. Access the database called Fast Action Safety Data
Transmission (FAST).
The General Services
Be sure to wear clothing that covers as much skin as
Administration (GSA) now has about 4,000 hazardous
material items that require a MSDS on the FAST
To access this database you'll need the following
equipment: * IBM/IBM-compatible personal computer.
Wear gloves, hoods, aprons,
2400, 1200 or 300 baud modem.
sleeves, suits and boots for
Communication software package.
If you have the right equipment, you'll need to set
your modem parameters to:
Speed: 2400, 1200, 300