k. Column e. Record the number of samples
c. Blocks 6 and 7. Outer packages from which
selected for test from each lot listed in column b. Total
samples were selected and individual samples should
the column and enter in the total block at the foot of the
be numbered consecutively starting with "1". Record
these numbers in blocks 6 and 7.
l. Column f. Record the number of samples
d. Block 8.
In the heading of each column
selected for visual examination from each lot listed in
describe the test characteristic to be tabulated adjacent
column b. Total the column and enter in the total block
to the particular sample number below.
at the foot of the column.
deficiencies will be indicated by an "x" at the intersection
of defective sample number and defect description.
m. Columns g, h and i. Not applicable.
e. Blocks 9 and 10. In the space above blocks 9
n. Remarks.
Enter any pertinent information
and 10 indicate whether the evaluation is based on
regarding formation of the lot or sampling procedure.
"defects" or "defectives" by crossing out the one which
o. Supplementing serviceability report number.
does not apply. Enter an "x" at the intersection of the
The report number entered here will correspond with
applicable defective column and sample number when
that entered on DA Form 984.
deficiencies have been noted in block 8 and evaluation
p. Other blocks. Self-explanatory.
is based on defectives. Enter total number of defects
13.1.3 Report of Deficiencies Found in Material (UMR)
observed for each sample in appropriate columns when
(DD Form 1686). This form will be submitted when
evaluation is based on defects.
initial receipt inspection reveals unsatisfactory new
f. Block 11. State if lot passed or failed the test
material from a manufacturer or unsatisfactory
requirements established in the applicable supply
renovated, repaired or modified material from a
bulletin. Enter any additional information which might
contractor. The preparation and distribution of DD Form
have had an affect on test results.
Enter any
1686 is specified in TB 750-94-2.
recommendations on lot disposal; i.e., screen, renovate,
13.2 Errors in Reports.
a. Only errors which affect the serviceability status
g. Block 12. Self-explanatory.
of the materiel evaluated will be corrected by replacing
h. Block 13. Not applicable.
those specific pages affected by the error with
13.1.2 Data Sheet for Grand Lots, Miscellaneous Lots,
"Corrected Copies".
or Depot Lots, (DA Form 985). This form will be used
b. The inspection activity which initiated the
by the depot or storage activity to record the information
erroneous report will prepare and distribute the
of these lots in accordance with this bulletin. The
corrected pages required by "a" above. Each such page
following instructions are for the accomplishment of this
will be marked "Corrected Copy". The corrected entries
will be indicated by encircling. The surveillance reports
a. Block 1.
Enter the complete standard
described herein are exempt from Reports Control
nomenclature and model number of the item. Enter the
Federal Stock Number.
13.3 Classified Data. Unless specifically authorized by
b. Block 2. Enter the depot or storage activity
Edgewood Arsenal, Security Office, no classified
where the items comprising the lot are stored.
information will be placed on materiel serviceability
reports. Full use will be made of special codes, in
c. Block 3. Enter the type of storage.
preparing the documents when materiel and/or
d. Block 4. State previous serviceability of each
information is classified. If classified information is
lot composing the grand lot, miscellaneous lot or depot
required, it will be placed on a cover sheet (not the
materiel serviceability report forms) which may
e. Block 5.
Enter method of packing and
accompany mail copies of the report in accordance with
AR 380-5. Attention is directed to AR 380-5 which
f. Block 6. Not applicable.
prohibts overclassification.
g. Column a. Enter the manufacturers of the
13.4 Submission of Reports. With the exception of
individual lots forming the grand lot, miscellaneous lot,
reports utilized for "Special Inspection", an original and
or depot lot.
two copies of all reports required by this document and
the applicable supply bulletin shall be submitted to the
h. Column b. Enter the manufacturer's lot number
Commander, US Army Armament command, Attn:
for each of the individual lots.
AMSAR-QAS Rock Island IL 61201.
i. Column c. Enter the date of manufacturer of
each lot.
j. Column d. Enter the lot size for the individual
lots listed in column b. Total the column and enter in
the total block at the foot of the column.