TM 5-3740-218-13&P
Set primary manifold pressure at 1200 psi.
Set both meters to same setting.
Personnel handling solid or liquid pesticides shall use appropriate personal protective
equipment consisting of respirators, coveralls, rubber gloves, goggles, etc., as required
by type of pesticide used and in accordance with manufacturer's label directions. Avoid
direct contact with pesticide. Observe all warnings on label. Handle pesticide in well-
ventilated area. Failure to do so could result in personal injury.
Fill left and right hopper assemblies with pesticide.
Open left and right hopper assemblies for 1 minute and record weight of material in each container. (Be sure
to subtract weight of container itself.) Repeat.
Change both meter settings to same setting.
Repeat steps 6 and 7 for each meter setting, then determine average flow rate (lb/min) for both hopper
Repeat step 6 if one of the four weights for meter setting is significantly different from others.
Swath "Width. If new pesticide is being used, or flight altitude is to be over 50 ft, it is advisable to determine actual
swath width. Perform the following:
Personnel handling solid or liquid pesticides shall use appropriate personal protective
equipment consisting of respirators, coveralls, rubber gloves, goggles, etc., as required
by type of pesticide used and in accordance with manufacturer's label directions. Avoid
direct contact with pesticide. Observe all warnings on label. Handle pesticide in well-
ventilated area. Failure to do so could result in personal injury.
Fully assemble PDU for SD system operation and fill left and right hopper assemblies with desired pesticide
or similar material with same density and particle size.