Chapter 1. GENERALFederal Laws and RegulationsFederal Laws and Regulations (cont)Chapter 2. IDENTIFICATION OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALSSECTION III. COMMUNICATING THE HAZARDS OF MATERIALSOccupational Safety and Health Administration RequirementsDepartment of Transportation RequirementsEnvironmental Protection Agency RequirementsNon-Regulatory RequirementsSources of Regulatory InformationFigure 2-1. MSDS for Sodium HydroxideFigure 2-1. MSDS for Sodium Hydroxide (continued)Figure 2-2. Example of DoD Format of OSHA Hazard Communication Standard Warning LabelFigure 2-3. Placarded Trucks and TOFCFigure 2-4. Typical Commercial Shipping Paper, Road or RailFigure 2-5. IATA Shippers Declaration of Dangerous GoodsFigure 2-6. IMDG Shippers Declaration of Dangerous Goods (Vessel)Figure 2-7. FIFRA Table of Toxicity Categories by Hazard Indicator.Table 2-1. Shipping LabelsTable 2-1. Shipping Labels - Continued - TM-38-4100034Table 2-1. Shipping Labels - Continued - TM-38-4100035Table 2-1. Shipping Labels - Continued - TM-38-4100036Table 2-1. Shipping Labels - Continued - TM-38-4100037Chapter 3. RECEIPT OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALSSECTION IV. HAZARD CHARACTERISTIC CODES (HCCs)SECTION VI. REPORTS OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS INCIDENTSSECTION VII. RECEIVING INSPECTION OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALSInspection of Receipts From ProcurementCustomer and Unit ReturnsAstray/Misdirected ShipmentsPilferable or Security MaterialSECTION VIII. HAZARDOUS MATERIALS RECEIPT PROCESSING PROCEDURESSECTION IX. RECEIVING QUALITY CONTROLGuidelinesChapter 4. STORAGE AND CARE OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALSStorage Location AccuracyHazardous Waste Storage PracticesSECTION II. HAZARDOUS MATERIALS STORAGE REQUIREMENTSTypes of Storage FacilitiesHAZARD STORAGE AREA CODESDoD Storage Type A: Radioactive Material StorageDoD Storage Type C: Corrosive Material StorageApplicable HCCs - TM-38-4100057DoD Storage Type D: Oxidizer Material StorageDoD Storage Type E: Explosive Material StorageBasic Requirements - TM-38-4100060DoD Storage Type G: Compressed Gas Cylinder StorageHazard ConsiderationsDoD Storage Type L: Low Hazard Material (General Purpose) StorageApplicable HCCs - TM-38-4100064DoD Storage Type P: Organic Peroxide Material StorageHazard Considerations.DoD Storage Type R: Reactive Material StorageBasic Requirements - TM-38-4100068DoD Storage Type T: Poison Material StorageStorage ArrangementSpecial Storage and HandlingStorage of Operating Stock of Hazardous Materials In General Purpose Storage AreasRECOMMENDED STORAGE LIMITS FOR HAZARDOUS MATERIALS IN GENERAL PURPOSE AREASSECTION III. STORAGE QUALITY CONTROLSECTION IV. RECOUPMENT OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALSImpact of Federal RegulationsPlanning and Coordinating Recoupment OperationsPlanning and Coordinating Recoupment Operations (cont)SECTION V. RECEIVING HAZARDOUS MATERIALS AT A RECOUPMENT FACILITYSECTION VI. PROCESS HOLDING OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS AT A RECOUPMENT FACILITYHolding Area ProceduresSECTION VII. FACILITY AND EQUIPMENT REQUIREMENTS FOR HAZARDOUS MATERIALS RECOUPMENTRequirements for Hazardous Materials RecoupmentEquipment Requirements for Hazardous Materials RecoupmentEquipment Requirements for Hazardous Materials Recoupment (cont)SECTION VIII. PROCEDURAL REQUIREMENTS FOR HAZARDOUS MATERIALS RECOUPMENTPreparation for Open Container TransferPreparation for Open Container Transfer (cont)Decontamination and CleanupSECTION IX. RECOUPMENT QUALITY CONTROLSECTION IX. RECOUPMENT QUALITY CONTROL (cont)Figure 4-1. Hazardous Material Storage Segregation ChartChapter 5. SELECTION AND ISSUE OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALSSECTION II. ISSUE PROCESSINGTemporary Staging of Hazardous MaterialsMaterial Found Damaged During Stock SelectionSECTION III. ISSUE PROCESSING QUALITY CONTROLChapter 6. PREPARATION FOR MOVEMENTSECTION II. PLANNING THE PACKAGING OPERATIONSECTION III. PACKAGING, MARKING, AND LABELING OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALPackaging ProcessMarking RequirementsSECTION IV. PACKING, MARKING, AND LABELING OF HAZARDOUS WASTESECTION V. PACKAGING QUALITY CONTROLSECTION VI. LOADING HAZARDOUS MATERIALS FOR SHIPMENTSECTION VII. SHIPMENT PLANNINGUnderstanding the Shipping EnvironmentInstallation Loading ResponsibilitiesLoading Rules for Rail CarriersSECTION VIII. REGULATORY REQUIREMENTS BY SHIPMENT MODEWater ShipmentsMilitary Air ShipmentsDoD Documentation RequirementsSECTION X. REPORTS OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS INCIDENTSFigure 6-1. Movement of a ship at seaFigure 6-2. Segregation and Separation Chart of Hazardous Materials for Rail ShipmentsFigure 6-3. Segregation and Separation Chart of Hazardous Materials for Carriage by Public HighwayFigure 6-4. General Segregation Requirements for Hazardous Materials for Carriage by VesselFigure 6-5. Segregation Table for Hazardous Materials for Military AirChapter 7. ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTIONSECTION II. SPILL PREVENTION MANAGEMENTSECTION III. SPCC MANAGEMENT PRACTICESThe Human FactorHousekeepingSECTION IV. SPILL CONTINGENCY PLANNINGContingency Plan ImplementationEmergency Response Teams.Deployment of the HAZMAT TeamEmergency Response Operations.Packaging of Spilled MaterialSECTION V. OTHER CONTINGENCY PLAN REQUIREMENTSEmergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act of 1986Planning for Accidents Involving Radioactive MaterialsTransportation Accident Contingency PlanningEnvironmental Compliance AssessmentsEnvironmental Compliance Assessments (cont)Chapter 8. SAFETY AND HEALTHSECTION II. SAFETY AND HEALTH RESPONSIBILITIESSECTION III. WRITTEN HAZARD COMMUNICATION PROGRAMDetermination of Chemical HazardsMaterial Safety Data SheetsSECTION IV. INSPECTIONS AND OPERATIONAL PROCEDURESStandard Operating ProceduresSECTION V. PERSONAL PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENTSECTION VI. OTHER REQUIREMENTSProcess Safety ManagementChapter 9. HAZARDOUS MATERIALS TRAININGDOT RequirementsHazard Communication Standard.Hazardous Waste and Emergency Response.Nuclear Regulatory RequirementsDoD Hazardous Material Training RequirementsResponsibility for TrainingCoordination with Other Installation ActivitiesSources of Training InformationHazardous Material Training ProgramsChapter 10. AMMUNITION AND EXPLOSIVESSECTION IV. STORAGE PLANQuantity-Distance Tables.Storage AidsStorage of Pilferable AmmunitionSECTION VI. RECEIVING RAILCARS AND MOTOR VEHICLESPreparation for DeliverySECTION XI. SAFETYStandard Handling MethodsChapter 11. HAZARDOUS PROPERTY DISPOSALSECTION V. RELATED TOPICSStorage - TM-38-4100168Appendix A. REFERENCES - TM-38-4100169REFERENCES (cont) - TM-38-4100170REFERENCES (cont) - TM-38-4100171REFERENCES (cont) - TM-38-4100172Appendix B. HAZARD CHARACTERISTIC CODES AND DEFINITIONSTable B-1. Hazard Characteristic CodesTable B-2. Hazard Characteristic Code DefinitionsAlkali, Corrosive, OrganicAcid, Corrosive, OrganicOxidizer and Corrosive - AcidicFlammable Liquid and PoisonGas, Non-flammableGas, Poison, FlammableNot regulated as HazardousReactive Chemical, FlammableToxicity Ranges for Packing Group IIIHealth HazardDOT Combustible Liquid, OSHA IIIAArticle Containing MercuryTYPICAL LITHIUM ANODE/SOLID CATHODE CELLSTable B-3. Relationship between HCCs and Various Regulatory Categories Shown in Order of Assignment Preference Using 49CFR as a BasisAppendix C. STORAGE SEGREGATION MATRIX: HCCs TO STORAGE SEGREGATIONTable C-1. Storage Segregation MatrixTable C-1. Storage Segregation Matrix - ContinuedDEFINITION OF NOTESDEFINITION OF NOTES (cont)Appendix D. ASSIGNMENT OF TEMPORARY HAZARD CHARACTERISTIC CODES (HCCs)Table D-2. Recommended Storage Based on Precautionary Label Text (ANSI Z129.1)Table D-3. Toxic and Hazardous Substances Listed in Title 29 CFR, Part 1910, Subpart ZTable D-4. Class or Division Cross-Reference to Storage AreasAppendix E. A GUIDE FOR DETERMINING PACKAGING, MARKING, AND LABELING REQUIREMENTS FOR HAZARDOUS MATERIALSSPECIFIC REQUIREMENTS - TM-38-4100200Hazardous Materials TableSPECIFIC REQUIREMENTS - TM-38-4100202SECTION III: LABELING REQUIREMENTSADDITIONAL LABELING REQUIREMENTSAppendix F. Blocking nad Bracing of Hazardous Materials for TransportationFigure F-2. Bulkhead and Strut AssemblyFigure F-3. Typical Load of Hazardous Materials in 55-Gallon Closed-Head Drums in a 20-foot Trailer/ContainerFigure F-4. Typical Load of Hazardous Materials in 55-Gallon Open-Head Steel Drums in a 40-foot Trailer/ContainerFigure F-5. Typical Load of Hazardous Materials in 55-Gallon Closed-Head Drums Braced with a Unitized Rear Bay in a 40-foot Trailer/ContainerFigure F-6. Unitized Rear Bay BraceFigure F-7. Extended Bottom Deck AssemblyFigure F-8. Typical Load of Hazardous Materials in DOT Specification Poratable Tanks in 40-foot Trailer/ContainerFigure F-9. Assembly of Side Blocking Gate and Antisway BraceFigure F-10. Typical Load of Hazardous Materials in DOT Specification Poratable Tanks in 40-foot Trailer/ContainerFigure F-11. Typical Load of Hazardous Materials in Compressed Gas Cylinders in 40-foot Trailer/ContainerFigure F-12. Typical Mixed Load of Hazardous Materials in Various Containers in 40-foot Trailer/ContainerFigure F-13. Typical Mixed Load of Hazardous Materials in Various Containers in 40-foot Trailer/ContainerFigure F-14. Steel Strap Method with Signode Chessie Floor Plates in 40-foot trailerFigure F-15. Signode Chessie Floor plate with Wall AnchorFigure F-16. Steel Strap Method with Wall Anchor in 40-foot TrailerFigure F-17. Self-locking Skid Method Using Drumite Units in 40-foot TrailerFigure F-18. Load DistributionFigure F-18. Load Distribution (cont)Appendix G. TRAINING REQUIREMENTS FOR HAZARDOUS MATERIALS MANAGEMENT SAMPLE TRAINING PLANTable G-1. Summarization of Selected Depot Personnel Function Specific Training (Recommended Approach)Table G-2. Detailed Description of HAZMAT Training CoursesTable G-2. Detailed Description of HAZMAT Training Courses-Continued - TM-38-4100227Table G-2. Detailed Description of HAZMAT Training Courses-Continued - TM-38-4100228Table G-2. Detailed Description of HAZMAT Training Courses-Continued - TM-38-4100229Table G-2. Detailed Description of HAZMAT Training Courses-Continued - TM-38-4100230Table G-2. Detailed Description of HAZMAT Training Courses-Continued - TM-38-4100231Table G-2. Detailed Description of HAZMAT Training Courses-Continued - TM-38-4100232Table G-2. Detailed Description of HAZMAT Training Courses-Continued - TM-38-4100233Table G-2. Detailed Description of HAZMAT Training Courses-Continued - TM-38-4100234Table G-2. Detailed Description of HAZMAT Training Courses-Continued - TM-38-4100235Table G-2. Detailed Description of HAZMAT Training Courses-Continued - TM-38-4100236Table G-2. Detailed Description of HAZMAT Training Courses-Continued - TM-38-4100237Table G-2. Detailed Description of HAZMAT Training Courses-Continued - TM-38-4100238Table G-2. Detailed Description of HAZMAT Training Courses-Continued - TM-38-4100239Table G-2. Detailed Description of HAZMAT Training Courses-Continued - TM-38-4100240Table G-2. Detailed Description of HAZMAT Training Courses-Continued - TM-38-4100241Table G-2. Detailed Description of HAZMAT Training Courses-Continued - TM-38-4100242Table G-2. Detailed Description of HAZMAT Training Courses-Continued - TM-38-4100243Table G-3. Summary of HAZMAT Training Courses COMPLIANCE TRAINING: Initial CoursesTable G-4. Summary of HAZMAT Training Courses, COMPLIANCE TRAINING: Refresher CoursesTable G-5. Summary of HAZMAT Training Courses COMPLIANCE TRAINING: Implied Training CoursesTable G-5. Summary of HAZMAT Training Courses COMPLIANCE TRAINING: Implied Training Courses (cont)Appendix H. EXPLANATION OF ACRONYMS, TERMS, AND DEFINITIONSSection I. AbbreviationsSection I. Abbreviations (cont) - TM-38-4100250Section I. Abbreviations (cont) - TM-38-4100251Section I. Abbreviations (cont) - TM-38-4100252Section I. Abbreviations (cont) - TM-38-4100253Section I. Abbreviations (cont) - TM-38-4100254Section I. Abbreviations (cont) - TM-38-4100255Section I. Abbreviations (cont) - TM-38-4100256Section I. Abbreviations (cont) - TM-38-4100257Section II. Terms and DefinitionsSection II. Terms and Definitions (cont) - TM-38-4100259Section II. Terms and Definitions (cont) - TM-38-4100260Section II. Terms and Definitions (cont) - TM-38-4100261Section II. Terms and Definitions (cont) - TM-38-4100262Section II. Terms and Definitions (cont) - TM-38-4100263Section II. Terms and Definitions (cont) - TM-38-4100264Section II. Terms and Definitions (cont) - TM-38-4100265Appendix I. HMIS FOCAL POINTSAppendix I. HMIS FOCAL POINTS (cont) - TM-38-4100267Appendix I. HMIS FOCAL POINTS (cont) - TM-38-4100268Appendix I. HMIS FOCAL POINTS (cont) - TM-38-4100269Appendix J. Miscellaneous AddressesAppendix J. Miscellaneous Addresses (cont)TM-38-410 Storage and Handling of Hazardous Materials Manual