AFMAN 24-204(I)/TM 38-250/NAVSUP PUB 505/MCO P4030.19H/ DLAI 4145.3
11 NOVEMBER 2001
Figure A17.2. Determining Certification Requirements for Class 7.
Step 1. Determine the radionuclide and type of package. Turn to A11.4. Find the radionuclide, its name,
and the maximum radioactive quantity (Ci) that can be shipped in a type A package. If a type B container is
required, go to Step 3.
Step 2. Determine if a Shippers Declaration for Dangerous Goods is Required. Turn to table A11.7.
Determine the maximum quantity that can be shipped as a limited quantity. This amount will be a fraction of
the quantity listed in table A11.1. If the item is a limited quantity, a Shippers Declaration for Dangerous Goods
is not required, but you must comply with A11.11, A11.12, A11.13, or 11.14. Go to Step 3 if the material is not
a limited quantity.
Step 3. Enter the Information Required in Key 16. Make a note of the transport index, but do not enter it in
Key 16.
Step 4. Determine the Proper Shipping Name (PSN). Select the applicable PSN from table A4.1. Complete
the appropriate keys using the information found in table A4.1, columns 2 through 4. Do not complete Key 17
at this point. Make a note of all the basic paragraphs listed in column 8.
Step 5. Select the Packaging Paragraph. Determine the correct packaging paragraph from the list you made
in Step 4 based on the type of package used (type A or type B). Determine the paragraph based on the particular
container used. Enter this information as the first entry in Key 17.
Step 6. Determine the Label Requirements. Use the transport index, the surface reading, and fissile class, if
appropriate, to determine the labels required by Attachment 15. Enter the label required as the category of
package entry in Key 17, immediately following the packaging paragraph. Enter the transport index and any
remaining information required to complete Key 17.
Step 7. Complete the Remaining Keys of the Shippers Declaration for Dangerous Goods. Step-by-step
instructions for completing the Shippers Declaration for Radioactive Material are identified in figure A17.1.