AFMAN 24-204(I)/TM 38-250/NAVSUP PUB 505/MCO P4030.19H/ DLAI 4145.3
11 DECEMBER 2001
Diagnostic specimens and biological products are not subject to the requirements of this manual if they do
not contain any material that is or could be classified as an infectious substance.
A10.9.1. In addition to the bullet requirements identified above, package infectious substances as specified below.
Exceptional cases, such as whole organs, may require special packaging. Guidance for packaging materiel that
requires temperature control during shipment is contained in DLAI 4145.21/TB MED 284/NAVSUPINST
4610.31/AFR 167-9, Preparation of Medical Materiel Requiring Freeze or Chill Environment for Shipment.
A10.9.1.1. Lyophilized substances. Primary receptacles must be flame-sealed glass ampoules or rubber stopped
glass vials fitted with metal seals.
A10.9.1.2. Liquid or solid substances shipped at ambient temperatures or higher. Primary receptacles must be
glass, metal, or plastic. Provide a positive means of ensuring a leak proof seal, such as a heat seal, skirted stopper,
or metal crimp seal. If screw caps are used, they must be reinforced with adhesive tape.
A10.9.1.3. Liquid or solid substances shipped refrigerated or frozen (ice, prefrozen packs, or dry ice.) Place ice or
dry ice outside the secondary packagings. Provide interior supports to secure the secondary packagings in their
original position after the ice or dry ice has dissipated. If ice is used, the outer packaging must be leak proof. If dry
ice is used, the outer packaging must permit the release of carbon dioxide gas.
A10.9.1.4. Liquid or solid substances shipped in liquid nitrogen. Primary receptacles must be plastic, capable of
withstanding very low temperatures. The secondary packaging must also withstand very low temperatures and in
most cases will need to be fitted over individual primary receptacles. All requirements for shipment of liquid
nitrogen must also be met.
A10.9.2. Damaged Packages. Upon discovering damage to the package, which indicates damage to the primary
container, the carrier must isolate the container and notify the Director, Center for Disease Control, 1600 Clifton
Road NE, Atlanta GA 30333 (telephone number (404) 633-5313), and the shipper.
A10.10. Regulated Medical Waste. Package regulated medical waste in packaging that meet the PG II
performance level. Additionally, ensure the packaging is:
Rigid, leak resistant, and impervious to moisture.
Of sufficient strength to prevent tearing or bursting under normal conditions of handling and use.
Sealed to prevent leakage during transport.
Puncture-resistant for sharps and sharps with residual fluids, break-resistant, and tightly lidded or stoppered
for fluids in quantities greater than 20 cubic centimeters.