TM 3-6665-304-10
(1) Label azimuth dial center on the predictor 1:50,000 scale as GZ Record time of burst (240730Z) and its
location (MN553298) next to label.
(2) Determine CHARLIE (over 5 to 30 KT) as the yield group in which the estimated yield (16 KT) lies. Use
the effective downwind direction (90 degrees) and windspeed (16 KM/HR) from line CHARLIE of the effective downwind
message, and use the "C" semi-circle on the predictor.
(3) Construct a grid north line using the back azimuth of effective wind direction. Draw the line from center of
azimuth dial through the azimuth graduation of 90 degrees Label the line GN.
(4) Use the predictor nomogram to determine the downwind distance of Zone I. Align a straightedge with 16-
KT on yield scale and 16 KM/HR on effective windspeed scale. Read the downwind distance of Zone I to be 18
(5) Draw an arc between the predictor radial lines at a distance of 18 kilometers from GZ. Double this
distance and draw a second arc between the radial lines at a distance of 36 kilometers.
Draw tangent lines from semicircle C to