TM 3-6665-254-12
should be performed just prior to each entry into a contaminated area to assure that the belt is serviceable. The check is
necessary to avoid false positive indications and should be conducted in an uncontaminated area. No further check of
this belt of tickets is required if used within a reasonable time (up to one week) after the last check. Under the procedure
below, a maximum of three tickets will be checked prior to use of the belt of tickets. If a blue color is obtained on two of
three cheeks of tickets from the belt, the belt is usable. If a blue color cannot be obtained on two of three checks of
tickets, the belt of tickets is unusable and a fresh kit should be obtained. All tickets used for the check should be
discarded after the check, as use of the procedure below may destroy the ability of the tickets to detect agent.
The following procedure for checking detector tickets before use may differ from that
given in the detector kit instruction cards. The procedure listed below is the preferred
(1) Detach a plastic envelope containing a detector ticket from the belt of tickets.
(2) Tear the envelope approximately one-half inch from the top of the round end of the ticket(A). The existing
notch or small slash in the envelope will assist in making this tear.
Push 'the round end of the ticket out of the envelope (B).
(4) Add two drops of reagent from the white- marked bottle onto the disk (C). If the disk does not wet easily, insert
the ticket into the envelope and massage the round end of the ticket in the envelope until the disk is uniformly wet.
(5) Remove the plastic guard from the red-marked substrate dispenser. Push the round end of the ticket out of the
envelope if it had b ' n placed in the envelope (step 4). Carefully add two drops of the substrate solution onto the wetted
disk (D). If disk does not turn blue within 3 minutes, insert the ticket into the envelope and massage the ticket. If a blue
color does not develop, discard the ticket and obtain a fresh one.
(6) After the belt of tickets has been determined to be serviceable, proceed with step c, below.
Change 1