TM 3-6665-209-35P
expendable. The following code will be
Allowance factor 1.7 per 100
Authorized quantity
R--Repair parts and assemblies
50 x 1.7
which are economically repairable at
= .85
field maintenance activities (3d and
4th echelon) and are normally
This quantity is greater than 0.5 and less
furnished by supply on an exchange
than 1.0.
Therefore, the authorized
quantity is 1.
c. Federal Stock Number. Federal stock numbers
B. Quantity of equipment supported 103
are assigned by the Federal Cataloging Program and
Allowance factor 4.1 per 100
are to be used in accordance with AR 708-15.
Authorized quantity
d. Description. The approved Federal item name
103 x 4.1
appears in upper case (capital) letters.
= 4.223
Modifiers necessary for proper identification appear in
lower case (small) letters.
The decimal portion is less than 0.5.
e. Unit of Issue. The unit of issue for each item
Therefore, the authorized quantity is 4.
listed is indicated in this column.
(3) Allowance numbers in the fifth echelon
f. Expendability. The symbol NX indicates that an
item is nonexpendable. When no symbol appears, the
recommended for the overhaul of 100
item is expendable.
major components and/or end items.
g. Quantity per Unit. The quantity listed in this
(4) An asterisk appearing in an allowance
column is the quantity of the repair part used in the
column indicates that the item may be
group, section, assembly, or subassembly indicated. If a
requisitioned for immediate usage by the
repair part has more than one application, the quantity
echelon indicated.
per unit becomes the total quantity per equipment and is
(5) The allowance factors for a repair part
indicated only in the initial appearance of the part This
with more than one application are
column remains blank in all subsequent appearances of
indicated only in the initial appearance of
the repair part. Unless otherwise indicated, the unit of
the part.
measure applicable to the quantity per unit is the same
(6) When supply records are established by
as the unit of issue.
field maintenance echelons, demand
h. Allowances.
experience is to be used to compute
(1) The numbers listed in the third and fourth
stockage objectives on repair parts
echelon columns are allowance factors
included in this initial guide quantity list for
which are to be used in computing
a period of time prescribed by the major
authorized allowance for 15 days
commander within the limitations of AR
maintenance of 100 equipments.
710-25. Repair parts allocated to each of
(2) To compute an authorized quantity for 3rd
these echelons, but not included in the
and 4th echelon, multiply the number of
initial stockage, may be added to stocks
equipments supported by the allowance
when demand experience justifies a
factor and divide this product by 100. The
stockage objective of at least one.
result, rounded to the nearest whole
i. Maintenance Echelons.
number, is the authorized quantity.
(1) Maintenance echelons are defined in AR
Examples are as follows:
750-5. The mission of field maintenance
A. Quantity of equipment supported 50
organizations in the continental United
States are assigned in AR 750-7. The
missions of