TM 3-6665-209-35
(c) Inspect the motor and governor
electrical brushes.
Replace the
brushes if worn.
Before installing any threaded pipe
(d) Inspect the rubber tubing, plastic
connection, apply lead compound
tubing, stopper, and rubber tube
around the threads to form a seal.
cushions and spacers for damage
Replace any
(d) Position the flat of the pump piston
defective component.
(25) over the pump cam (24) and
(e) Inspect the pump cylinder and
aline the four mounting holes in the
piston for scoring and fit.
pump mounting bracket (31) with
(f) Inspect the selector valve, blower
the four threaded holes in the pump
housing, and motor for cracks and
cylinder (26).
Secure the pump
other damage which might affect
cylinder to the pump mounting
their function. Replace inoperative
bracket with four lockwashers (37)
and screws (38).
(g) Inspect the blower housing spacers,
(e) Install the plastic tubing (23) on the
blower mounting plate, and other
elbow (30) and secure it in place
components for distortion, burrs,
with the tubing coupling nut.
and other damage.
Repair if
(f) Install the two motor electrical
possible or replace damaged
brushes (39) in the motor (22) and
secure them in place with the two
(h) Inspect
brush caps.
components for burrs or other
(g) Install the motor mount disk (20),
If the threads are
blower mounting plate (19), and
damaged on nuts, screws, or pipe
governor plate (41) over the motor
fittings, replace the damaged item.
shaft and secure them to the motor
If the threads are damaged on such
(22) with the two screws provided.
components as the blower housing,
Install the governor assembly (42)
retap the threaded holes.
over the motor shaft and insert the
(i) Replace the fiber washer and filter.
two governor electrical brushes (40),
(3) Assembly and installation.
spring end first, into the two
(a) Hold the reduction gear box in
recesses in the governor plate.
position on the motor (22) and install
Slide the governor assembly against
the governor electrical brushes and
that secure it in place. Install the
secure the governor assembly to the
pump mounting bracket (31) on the
motor shaft by tightening the
gear box and secure the bracket
setscrew in the governor assembly.
and gear box to the motor with the
(h) Position the blower housing plate,
an integral part of the blower
(b) Install the pump cam (24) on the
housing (15), on the blower housing
shaft extending from the reduction
and install the four blower housing
gear box and secure it in place with
spacers (17) into the threaded holes
two setscrews (21).
of the blower housing. Insert the
(c) Install the fiber washer (27) and
assembled spacers through the
screw (28) in the pump cylinder
holes in the periphery of the blower
(26). Install the oil cup (29) and the
mounting plate (19) and secure the
pump piston (25) in the cylinder.
spacers to the plate with four nuts
Screw the elbow (30) into the
(i) Install the impeller (16) on the motor
shaft and secure it in place with its
Apply glyptal to the
setscrew to prevent loosening.
(j) Position the selector valve and
blower adapter (45) on the blower
AGO 8069A