TM 10-6665-297-13&P
2-6.2.1 Installing Single Detector on CD800/830 or CD802/832 Control Unit (continued)
2. Connect a black wire between detector reference element lead (black, banded R) and control
module terminal marked DET 1, R.
3. Connect a white wire between detector single output lead (white, banded C) and control module
terminal marked DET 1, C.
2-6.2.2 Installing Second Detector on One Module, Models CD802/832. Install a single detector as follows
(Figures 2-8 through 2-11):
1. Disconnect and remove 15-ohm paired resistor factory-installed on DET 2 terminals A, R, and C.
2. Connect a green wire between detector green lead and control module terminal marked DET 2, A.
3. Connect a black wire between detector black lead and control module terminal marked DET 2, R.
4. Connect a white wire between detector white lead and control module terminal marked DET 2, C.
If two detectors are to be operated from a single CD800/830 control module, wires must be installed to
connect the leads of the second detector to an inter- mediate junction box or to the control module
terminals marked DET 2, A, R, and C, as shown in Figure 2-18. (If a single detector only is to be
connected to a module, factory-installed, 15-ohm, paired resistors are connected across DET 2
terminals A and C and C and R.) Maximum resistance allowable in A and R conduit wires is 2.5 ohms
per wire (or 5 ohms total A and R loop resistance, with A and R wire resistances the same within 1
ohm). A 2.5-ohm maximum resistance is allowable where two detectors to a single module are
installed. Wire gauge must therefore be determined with respect to length as follows:
Power supply wires A and R:
0-620 Feet:
#16 AWG
620-980 Feet:
#14 AWG
over 980 Feet:
calculate from
Table 2-2 or Figure 2-17
Signal return wire C:
0-1100 Feet:
#20 AWG
over 1100 Feet:
#18 AWG