SECTION 1 SYSTEMS DESCRIPTIONDETECTOR SENSING DEVICEFigure 1-2. CD800/830 Detector Bridge Circuitry Schematic DiagramDetector Electrical Circuitry (continued)Figure 1-3. CD800/830 and CD802/832 Combustible Gas Detector ModelsCONTROL MODULESCONTROL MODULE CIRCUITRYFigure 1-4. CD800/830 Printed Circuit Board Schematic DiagramFigure 1-5. CD802/832 Printed Circuit Board Schematic DiagramFigure 1-6. CD800/830 Series Control Module Block DiagramFigure 1-7. CD802/832 Dual-channel System Simplified Black DiagramFigure 1-8. Schematic Diagram of Power SupplyFigure 1-9. CD800/830 Signal Amplifier and Test Circuits (typical for CD802/832 circuitry also)Test CircuitFigure 1-10. CD800/830 Warning Circuitry Schematic Diagram (typical also for Alarm circuitry) Alarm CircuitFigure 1-11. Time Delay Circuit CD802/832 Schematic DiagramFail Sensing and Relay Circuit Figure 1-12. Fail Circuit Schematic DiagramAlarm and Warning Reset Circuits (continued)Figure 1-13. CD800/830 Relay External Circuits and Typical External ConnectionsFigure 1-14. CD802/832 Relay Contacts Available for External SwitchingCONTROL UNIT MODELS AND MODULAR CONFIGURATIONSFigure 1-15. Series 800 and 802 Single-module ModelsFigure 1-16. Multipoint Systems ConfigurationsSeries 830 and 832 modular multipoint models:Figure 1-17. CD830W, CD832W Wall Mounting Cabinet and CD830, CD832F Floor Standing Cabinet Multi-point Control Module ConfigurationsFigure 1-18. Forced Cooling Unit Assembly (120V) for Floor-standing CabinetFigure 1-19. CD800P and CD800PF Mounting Enclosures with CD830 plug-in Control Modules, Showing Indicators, Controls, and AdjustersFigure 1-20. Front Panel Configurations, CD80OW, CD802W SystemsFigure 1-21. CD832 Controls and Indicators for Dual-Channel SystemsIndicators (continued)Controls (continued)Figure 1-22. CD802/832 Circuit Board: Relays and Adjusters for Dual-channel SystemsEXTERNAL ACCESSORY DEVICESSECTION 2 INSTALLATIONFigure 2-1. Typical Location Points for DetectorsFigure 2-2. Typical Through-Bulkhead InstallationsLOCATION OF DETECTORSCONTROL MODULE INSTALLATION (continued)Figure 2-3. CD800P Control Unit Installation DataFigure 2-4. CD800W and 802W Wall-mounting Cabinet InstallationFigure 2-5. Installation of Circuit Board Standoffs for CD800W and CD802W Cabinets Without Factory-installed Conduit HubsFigure 2-6. CD800X and CD802X Control UnitFigure 2-7. CD830W8 Wall-mounting Cabinet for up to Eight Control Modules (23-7176), or CD830W4 (23- 7175) for up to Four Control Modules (with top rack covered)Figure 2-8. CD830 and CD832 Standard Instrument Rack Adapter for Up to Six Control ModulesFigure 2-9. CD83OF Floor-standing Instrument CabinetPOWER SUPPLY CONNECTIONSTable 2-1. AC Power Terminal Connections, CD800/830 Series ModelsFigure 2-11. CD800W and CD802W External Wiring Connections DiagramFigure 2-12. CD800X and CD802X External Wiring Connections DiagramFigure 2-13. CD800P and CD802P External Wiring Connections Diagram (CD800P or PF Enclosure)Figure 2-14. CD830W4/CD830W8 and CD832W4/CD832W8 External Wiring Connections DiagramFigure 2-15. CD830R6 and 832R6 External Wiring Connections DiagramFigure 2-16. DC Converter Terminal Connection Diagram - CD830R612-VOLT LEAD-ACID BATTERY AND CHARGERINSTALLING DETECTOR WIRING Installing Single Detector on CD800/830 or CD802/832 Control UnitFigure 2-17. Wire Size/Length/Resistance GraphFigure 2-18. Alternate Four and Six Leadwire Connections Between Control Module and Detectors of Paired Detector SystemINSTALLING SECOND DETECTOR FOR CD800/830 SINGLE-CHANNEL MODULESINSTALLING WIRES FOR ALARM AND CONTROL DEVICES, ALL MODELSTESTING OPERATING VOLTAGES AND COMPENSATING FOR CONDUIT WIRE VOLTAGE DROPSFigure 2-19. Detector Model 800-086 Exploded ViewFigure 2-20. Detector Model 0023-4012 Exploded ViewFigure 2-21. Detector Model 0023-4014 Exploded ViewFigure 2-22. Detector Model 0023-4017 Exploded ViewTesting Operating Voltages and Compensating For Conduit Wire Voltage Drops . (continued)Figure 2-23. Detector Model 0023-7317 Exploded ViewFigure 2-24. Use of Test Socket Adapter 0023-4027 to Determine Detector Operating VoltageTesting Operating Voltages and Compensating For Conduit Wire Voltage Drops (continued)DETECTOR INSTALLATION (continued)Figure 2-25. Recommended Sample Flow ConnectionsMODIFICATION FOR COMMON POINT RESETTING OF CD830 MODULESFigure 28. #0023-4080 Reset Switch with Mounting Hardware and WiringWARNING AND ALARM CIRCUIT MODIFICATIONS (continued)INSTALLATION OF EXTERNAL ACCESSORY DEVICESINSTALLATION OF REMOTE RESET SWITCHTable 2-3. Relay Switching Terminals for External Devices, Excepting CD800P and CD802POFigure 2-29. Typical Recurring Alarm Circuitry (Optional)SECTION 3 CALIBRATION AND ADJUSTMENTSCalibrating a System with One Detector per CD800/832 Control Unit or Individual Detector of CD802/832 Two-channel Control Unit (continued) - TM-10-6665-297-13P_96Figure 3. Use of Test Kit (0023-7260) Dispensing Valve and Regulator Assembly, Gas Cylinder, and Sample Cup(s) at Diffusion Detectors for System Calibration TestCalibrating a System with One Detector per CD800/832 Control Unit or Individual Detector of CD802/832 Two-channel Control Unit (continued) - TM-10-6665-297-13P_98Figure 3-2. Calibration Percent L. E. L. Equivalents for Gases Other Than Propane, with Propane Used as Calibrating GasCalibrating a System with One Detector per CD800/832 Control Unit or Individual Detector of CD802/832 Two-channel Control Unit (continued) - TM-10-6665-297-13P_100Calibrating a System with Two Detectors per CD800/830 Control Unit CALIBRATION CALIBRATING A SYSTEM FOR VOLATILE HYDROCARBONS WITH FLASH POINTS BELOW 70FCALIBRATING A SYSTEM FOR VOLATILE HYDROCARBONS WITH FLASH POINTS BELOW 70F CONT.CALIBRATING A SYSTEM FOR VOLATILE HYDROCARBONS WITH FLASH POINTS BELOW 700 F (continued)WARNING CIRCUIT ADJUSTMENT (continued)TEST ADJUSTMENTRECORDER OUTPUT ADJUSTMENTSECTION 4 MAINTENANCE AND TROUBLESHOOTINGWEEKLY INSPECTION (continued)MONTHLY TEST AND ADJUSTMENTSSPECIAL MAINTENANCE PROBLEMSTROUBLESHOOTING CHARTSFigure 4-1A. Troubleshooting Chart 1: Zeroing Meter PointerFigure 4-1B. Troubleshooting Chart 2: Adjusting Warn and Alarm Response LevelsFigure 4-1C. Troubleshooting Chart 3: Adjusting for Full-Scale Deflection of Meter PointerFigure 4-1D. Troubleshooting Chart 4. Fail Circuit Testing and RepairsFigure 4-1E. Troubleshooting Chart 5: Calibrating Meter Response to Gas Concentration LevelsSECTION 5 PARTS LISTSECTION 5 PARTS LIST CONT. - TM-10-6665-297-13P_120SECTION 5 PARTS LIST CONT. - TM-10-6665-297-13P_121SECTION 5 PARTS LIST CONT. - TM-10-6665-297-13P_122SECTION 5 PARTS LIST CONT. - TM-10-6665-297-13P_123SECTION 5 PARTS LIST CONT. - TM-10-6665-297-13P_124SECTION 5 PARTS LIST CONT. - TM-10-6665-297-13P_125Table 5-2. Post-1977/pre-1977 Models: CD830 Control Module Front Panel Parts List Comparison (See Figure 5-1.)Figure 5-1. Pre-1977/post 1977 Models: CD830 Control Module Front Panel Parts ComparisonTABLE 5-1 DETECTOR ELEMENT SELECTION GUIDEAPPENDIX A REFERENCES - TM-10-6665-297-13P_129APPENDIX B MAINTENANCE ALLOCATION CHART SECTION I. INTRODUCTIONExplanation Of Columns In The MAC, Section II - TM-10-6665-297-13P_132Explanation Of Columns In Tool And Test Equipment Requirements, Section III - TM-10-6665-297-13P_133SECTION III. TOOL AND TEST EQUIPMENT REQUIREMENTS FOR MAINTENANCE ALLOCATION CHARTAPPENDIX C COMPONENTS OF END ITEM AND BASIC ISSUE ITEMS LISTS SECTION I. INTRODUCTIONSECTION II. COMPONENTS OF END ITEM